Every once in a while, Gryphon Media Company staff members share articles from around the web with the wider community. Read on to learn about Disney+, Brexit, the 2020 election, and more.
“Disney+: Todo lo que debes saber sobre la nueva plataforma de streaming” covers the types of movies that will be available through the new streaming site, Disney+. Read it to find out how much it will cost and when it will be available.
— Andrea Bizarro
Boris Johnson, who said he would rather be “dead in a ditch” than ask the EU for an extension on Brexit, may be forced to ask for an extension on Brexit. Under the Benn Act, if a deal isn’t reached (or if a no-deal Brexit isn’t okayed) by October 19th, a request for an extension must be sent to the EU. Read this article to find out about the latest news in British politics.
— Sofie Wilson
Miserable CA?
Despite its catchy and click-bait sounding headline, “No hay ‘California love’: 10 de las ciudades más miserables del país se encuentran en California” gives statistics on local areas we may either live in or be near to. Read it to find the 10 most miserable cities in the LA area.
— Aimee Martinez
2020 Election
“Elizabeth Warren raises $24.6m in latest quarter, just behind Bernie Sanders” by the Associated Press in San Diego. This article discusses the amount of money raised by the three most popular democratic presidential candidates: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Joe Biden. Read this article to learn about the money raised and the number of donations received by each candidate, as well as about why it is important to gather donations from (not extremely wealthy) individuals rather than from corporations or extremely rich donors.
— Owen Barbato
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