Following a poll The Barefoot Times conducted among Sequoyah students in February, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has grown his lead among polled Sequoyah students, with Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren in a distant second place. The February poll was conducted with 30 Sequoyah students from February 19 through February 26.
Who has gained support since January?
Progressive Senator Sanders’ lead continued to grow in February among Sequoyah students, rising from 34.5% to 43.3%. Sen. Warren bounced back from her January dip, bringing her support among Sequoyah students to 26.67%. (Sen. Warren dropped out of the race Thursday morning.) Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has reportedly spent $50 million in advertising in California, registered support among Sequoyah students for the first time (3.33%), along with Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar (6.67%). (Sen. Klobuchar suspended her campaign and endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden on Monday morning.)
Whose support has plateaued since January?
As the race tightens and candidates drop out, many candidates’ support among Sequoyah poll respondents has stayed steady since January. Former Vice President Joe Biden registered at 3.33% this month, slightly down from 3.45% last month. President Donald Trump also remained fairly steady at 3.33% (compared to 3.45% in January). Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who (like Klobuchar) dropped out Sunday and endorsed Biden, also remained steady at 6.67% (compared to 6.9% in January).
Who are students’ second- and third-choice candidates?
Among Sanders’ supporters, Warren continues to overwhelmingly lead as a second choice. Of students who said they support Warren, Sanders is the leading second-choice candidate.
How do Democrats fare against President Trump?
While Warren, Sanders, and Buttigieg all beat Trump in a head-to-head matchup, Sanders has the best chance among Sequoyah respondents. 93.3% of respondents said they would vote for Sanders over Trump, with 3.3% of respondents saying they would support Trump and another 3.3% undecided. Warren and Buttigieg both beat Trump 90% to 3.3% (with 6.7% undecided).
Which candidates do students think have the best policies on issues they care about?
The climate crisis continues to be the most important issue to Sequoyah students in this election, with only two respondents not listing it as one of their top three issues. Healthcare and immigration come in second and third, respectively.
In combating the climate crisis, Sequoyans overwhelmingly see Sen. Sanders as having the best policy (compared to Sen. Warren, Buttigieg, and President Trump). Respondents also see Sanders, who’s platform is partially centered around “medicare for all,” the best candidate on health care, with Buttigieg, who campaigned on a public-option healthcare plan dubbed “medicare for all who want it,” in second.
On guns and immigration, many respondents were unsure which candidate had the best policy. However, among respondents who shared their opinions, students find Sen. Warren to have the best immigration and gun policies.
The raw data from The Barefoot Times’ February poll is available here.
The Barefoot Times will continue to poll Sequoyah students until May.