Anais Plasketes is the new human development teacher. She teaches Treehouse through high school students. In an interview with The Barefoot Times, Plasketes spoke about her job and self. Here are her answers:
Why did you decide to be a human development teacher?
I love empowering young people to celebrate their unique identities.
What do you enjoy about teaching?
I love having a space for students to explore topics that may be challenging, or even taboo, with openness and curiosity.
Did you teach before you came to Sequoyah? And if you did where?
I didn’t teach at a school before I came to Sequoyah, but I did teach people about themselves everyday as a therapist.
If you didn’t teach human development what would you teach?
I have a theater degree, so I would teach something in the arts.
Do you have any pets?
I do have a pet cat, and his name is Stanley.
What’s your favorite animal?
Cheetah. I love anything print.
What is your favorite color?
What High School did you go to?
Opelika High School, in Alabama.