On Friday, September 12th of 2014, Gavin Sevareid from the Junior High was elected co-president of the student body, along with other co-presidents, Lucy King and Isaac LaMarr, on a campaign platform promising to install a vending machine at the school. After the election, many students reported that they voted for Sevareid because of the vending machine proposition. Despite this student interest, no specific plan for the vending machine installation has yet come to light.
During the election Sevareid proposed a healthy vending machine for the upper. He said that he would try his hardest to fund the project, though the logistics remained unclear. “I talked to Josh before the election. He said it was a great idea,” said Sevareid. [Info from Josh here.] When asked about the costs and the plausibility of the project, Sevareid reported that he found a vending machine online for $1,300. “Student government doesn’t have that much money, but that’s why I’m going to try to get a fundraiser for it,” said Sevareid. Student Government only has a budget of $500 for the benefit of the school, not just the project. He also said that if student government did raise the money, the vending machine wouldn’t be bought until after Winter break.
Sevareid said that there would be “healthy options” for everyone. When a Junior High student was asked about their opinion on the vending machine he said, “If we get a vending machine, they should put candy and good drinks, not fruit bars and water, anyway there is a water fountain next to it.” “We don’t need to pay for water,” Jean-Philippe, technology specialist, said. “I don’t like it. We don’t need a vending machine. I think we should have a water cooling station.”