Following a poll The Barefoot Times conducted among Sequoyah students in December, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders continue to garner the same amount of support from polled Sequoyah students. The December poll was conducted with 24 Sequoyah students from December 17 through December 31.
Who has gained support since November?
Progressive Senators Sanders and Warren continue to be tied, but both rose 4.85% to 29.17%. Entrepreneur Andrew Yang’s support rose 1.69% to 12.5%.
Who has lost support since October?
As the race tightens, many candidates have lost support among Sequoyah poll respondents since November. Former Vice President Joe Biden lost 1.24%, which brings his support to 4.17%. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg went down 14.75% to bring him to 4.17%. President Donald Trump and billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer, who previously held 2.7% of poll respondents’ support, both lost all of their support.
Why do students support their first-choice candidates?
About ¼ (25.9%) of students who responded said they support their first-choice candidate at least partly because their parents also support that candidate. An overwhelming majority (70.4%) of respondents also said they resonate with their first-choice candidates’ policies.
Who are students’ second- and third-choice candidates?
Among Sanders’ supporters, Warren and Yang lead as second choices, with Biden, Buttigieg, and Williamson (who suspended her presidential bid on January 10th) in close second. Of students who said they support Warren, Buttigieg leads as a second choice, with Biden in a not-too-far second, a marked shift from November where a majority of Warren supporters chose California Senator Kamala Harris (who has since dropped out) and Sanders as their second choice candidates.
Among the national frontrunners, how do Democrats fare against President Trump?
While Buttigieg, Sanders, and Warren all beat Trump in a head-to-head matchup, Sanders has the best chance. 91.7% of respondents said they would vote for Sanders over Trump, with 8.3% of respondents unsure as to whom they would support.
Warren beats Trump 87.5% to 4.2% (with 8.3% undecided), while Buttigieg leads Trump 87.5% (with 12.5% undecided).
The raw data from The Barefoot Times’ December poll is available here.
The Barefoot Times continue to poll Sequoyah students every month until at least the California Democratic primary in March.