GMC wants to highlight student visual artists through a series of articles dedicated to showcasing work they have done at Sequoyah. In this first interview of the series, we interviewed Leah Haveson. Throughout the series we will touch on artists using different media, styles, and techniques.
Leah Haveson, a Sequoyah high school sophomore, has engaged in a number of art classes at the school. Classes she has taken include Sculpture, Installation, Animation, and Watercolor. Among the large variety of media Haveson works with, watercolor comes easily to her. She has even recently expanded her passion for watercolor by co-leading the school’s first-ever Watercolor Club.
In Mod One, Haveson took part in the Watercolor Z- block, an elective course, where she produced complex work. One of her pieces was a negative painting of nature called “Blue Forest.” In negative paintings, the positive space (in this case, the trees) is left blank to create an object or a scene.
“I generally want my art to be pleasing to the eye,” says Haveson, and she accomplishes that in “Blue Forest” as she uses a monochromatic color palette. A piece with a monochromatic palette is one that uses a singular color and creates different tones from it.
When asked about her choice of color for the piece, Haveson said she planned on using black, but “as [she] got closer to that color, [she] ended up mixing a really pretty dark blue and decided to stay with that color.” The choice of blue imparts to Haveson’s work a richness in value, drawing out a sense of melancholy in the piece.