I’m in a relationship with someone who is about 2.5 years younger than me. We both really...
Julia Hoffman
Why do I feel so alone when I know I have great friends? Sometimes I feel so...
I don’t think the friend group that I’m currently in is for me. How should I switch...
One of my friends recently became friends with someone I hate and I’ve been trying to exclude...
Should you ask for consent before kissing someone? It’s hard to give a definitive answer to this...
I like someone and since winter formal is coming up I wanted to ask them, but we...
How do I break up with someone in a nice way? Breaking up can be really difficult...
Parley Episode 1 Featuring Giuseppe DiMassa, Nathan Yoo, and Julia Hoffman.
Row upon row of crops sped by in Sara’s window. She had been driving for nearly two...
California has propositions on the ballot every election. Voting on propositions is a form of direct democracy....