Kate Hamill’s stage adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s witty and romantic novel, was featured as...
Harper Gowen
Now in its third year, Sequoyah’s high school pumpkin contest pitted advisories against each other as advisors...
High School Administrative Assistant Colleen Thaxton joined Sequoyah over the summer of 2023 and is excited to...
Spoiler Warning: The following information contains spoilers for the game Genshin Impact. The 1.5 billion dollar company...
Little Tokyo, located in downtown Los Angeles, is brimming with sweet treats and restaurants to enjoy. At...
Sequoyah is a place of many excellent and passionate teachers and recently we have been lucky to...
Santé D’Or is a cat rescue located in Atwater Village, right near The Village Bakery. If you...
Marc Alongi, the director of Sequoyah’s high school, is known for his waffles, which he serves during...